Tori Melby
- Miss Tori will be leading our competition teams at Miss Kim’s

Extremely grateful to be born into the DMA family by Mother Betty Newell, former CDM (Carolina Dance Masters) board member who served as Secretary, Vice President, President, Past President, PAC, Pageant and Protégé Director since 1973. With enormous shoes to fill, the journey began. In 1990 Tori became an official member of Carolina Dance Masters and on the road to achieving her goals…
From 1993 to present date she has held a position on the CDM Board serving as Director, 2nd Vice President, 1st Vice President, President, Past President, 2nd Vice President for the second time and current Past President.
Other obligations have included; Protégé Director, Miss Dance Director, Jr. Member Director, Pac Director, Winter Workshop Chairman and Fall Convention Chairman. Tori is a Chapter Certified Examiner in Tap, Jazz and Acrobatics.
Tori’s love of dance is apparent in the many students she has helped to gain success in the dance world. Along with many Chapter title holders, she has had two DMA National title holders in Petite and Junior Miss Dance of America. Her students have performed in T.V. shows, industrial and commercial work, Grammy’s, Golden Globes, The Voice, Rockettes, Vegas and Broadway shows… students have been finalist in “So you think you can dance” and the recent winner of the newest web cast of “Every Single Step”. However, the legacy will continue with the nineteen former students who are currently teaching and choreographing across the country. Many are studio owners and 17 have become DMA members to date. This, she feels is her greatest accomplishment. To know that you have made an impact on a child’s life in such a way, that they in turn want to pass it on and share with others. This amazing art form that we all know and love…. DANCE!