Darcy Smith
Darcy Smith has been an elementary art teacher for Alamance-Burlington Schools during the last 20 years and has taught for 23 years. Darcy is a National Board Certified Art Teacher and received the Teacher of the Year honor for ABSS in 2004. During her teaching career she has lead summer arts camps for the Alamance Arts Council and Artsploration for the school system. She graduated from the University of Notre Dame of Maryland with a degree in Art Education and Photography. In her spare time she loves to take photos, create mixed media collages that include sewing and reading or listening to audiobooks while making art. She also enjoys walking with her 15 year old poodle Max.
Darcy looks forward to creating and having fun with young artists at Miss Kim’s. We will paint, draw, and create sculptures using clay and other materials while learning about artists from all over the world.